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Instant Sound Effects with AI

ElevenLabs 🔗, a generative AI audio startup, has recently launched a new tool that converts text prompts into sound effects. 

This Text-to-Sound feature allows us to generate a wide variety of audio elements, including sound effects, short instrumental tracks, soundscapes, and character voices, simply by describing the desired sound… and the quality is incredible.

The tool is designed to help creators, such as film and television studios, video game developers, and social media content creators, generate immersive audio quickly and affordably. And they partnered with Shutterstock to train the model using their expansive library of licensed audio tracks.

The tool is available to all ElevenLabs users, and they even have a new Voiceover Studio where you can upload a video, and compose all the sound you need for your next project.

This new feature complements ElevenLabs’ existing generative services, which include realistic AI voice cloning and generation capabilities and is the underlying tech for so many other AI projects being used around the web. 

If you’ve been looking for a way to make your projects more engaging, this could be just the thing.

Tweets that matter


The way I see it is the rapid advancement of AI has led to a trend where companies and individuals are racing to automate -literally everything- but often without considering why. 

While AI is certainly a powerful tool, we must be careful not to lose sight of the importance of human creativity, intuition, and empathy.

Instead of striving for full automation at all costs, we should be exploring ways to really use AI’s capabilities to enhance human potential. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good automation to eliminate the mundane, and I’m even (spoiler alert) building my own automation tool with Bara for things like this which I’m REALLY pumped about.

But this means developing AI systems that work alongside humans, providing insights, recommendations, and assistance while still allowing for human oversight and decision-making.

As we continue to develop and deploy AI tech, it is crucial that we prioritize the human element. We have to ensure that AI is designed with transparency, accountability, and ethical considerations in mind. Only then can we truly realize its potential to benefit society as a whole.

Prompt Generation with Anthropic

Have you heard about Anthropic’s Prompt Generator? 🔗 

It’s a really simple tool that can help you create high-quality prompts for their AI assistant, Claude – but they work wonderfully on other services like Gemini, ChatGPT and the rest. I started experimenting with it recently and it’s definitely worth checking out, especially if you’ve ever struggled with the whole “blank page problem” when trying to come up with a good prompt.

You know how sometimes you sit down to create a prompt, and you’re just staring at the screen, not sure where to start? 

That’s the blank page problem, and it can be a real creativity killer. 

But the Prompt Generator helps you overcome that by guiding you through the process of creating prompts that follow best practices and are tailored to your specific task.

One of the things I love about the Prompt Generator is that it encourages you to use techniques like chain of thought prompts, which break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable steps. It’s like having a roadmap for your AI assistant, helping it reason through the problem in a structured way. And it also reminds you to separate the data or context from the instructions or questions, which can lead to more focused and relevant responses.

The best part? The Prompt Generator is super easy to access – it’s in the Anthropic Console. But if you’re like me and you love to tinker under the hood, they also have a Google Colab notebook that lets you run the code and see how Claude constructs prompts. Just keep in mind that you’ll need an API key to run the notebook.

Also worth noting, Anthropic has a bunch of other resources. They’ve got prompt engineering techniques, the Anthropic Cookbook with code snippets for advanced techniques, and even a Prompt Library with curated prompts for different tasks and use cases. 

If you’re looking to up your prompt game to get more potential of Claude (or others), check out the Prompt Generator and all the other resources Anthropic offers. 

A quality prompt can make or break your task, so using tools like this are wildly helpful!

Latest on The Podcast

Key Takeaways from This Episode:

  • Discover how AI can reignite long-considered concepts and bring them to life, just like we’re doing for a client at Bara Agency. 
  • Learn how AI can transform qualitative customer data into actionable insights, making your customers feel seen, heard, and understood.
  • Picture multiple swim lanes or paths; AI can determine which path each user should take based on their data. 

And, I talk about a pretty incredible idea you can start applying in your business I haven’t seen anyone else do yet, today!

These are just a few ways AI is completely shaking-up my projects this year. My goal is to share these fresh, effective strategies with you so you can stay ahead of the curve.

Reminder, you can now listen to The Prompt in eleven languages thanks to the Global Network I recently launched, all with the power of AI & Automation (which I teach in my slack community).

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