✨ I launched an AI startup

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I’ve got some news I’m overjoyed to share with you today – I officially launched a new AI business: Bara AI 🔗

It’s designed to make podcasting easier and more efficient if you’re a creator or an agency. My top story today is to tell you all about it and as you’d expect lift the hood and explain the why, because I believe in sharing the importance of leaning-in to this tech every chance I get. 

As a podcaster, I’ve faced the same challenges in creating quality content consistently as every other creator does. Long nights of research, struggling with intros, and endless hours of post-production were my reality. I got tired of it and many weeks, fell out of love with it.

That’s when I had an idea: 

What if AI could be the ultimate podcast assistant? 

That’s how Bara AI began coming to life.

If you’ve been following me for a while you know I converted from recording my episodes to generating my episodes with AI. At first it was a fun experiment, then I became hooked and realized it needed to be the new-normal for me. I know this move isn’t for everyone but when I saw the need to handle the common things over and over again, that’s when the plan became clear. 

Like all processes, they’re a pain-in-the-… until an automation can help you run it. 

I’ve been meticulously working away at this for months, creating what I wanted to exist but never found it, and today, I’m sharing it with you, here first. 

What Bara AI Offers

Bara AI is like having a team of AI experts working alongside you to podcast smarter. 

It doesn’t replace you, it augments you. 

Whether you’re a solo podcaster, an agency producing them for others, or want an AI Engineer in your pocket every month, here’s what it brings to the table:

  • AI-Powered Creation: Our AI agents are available 24/7 to support your research process, making preparation easier than you imagined.
  • A “private ChatGPT” for your show: ever wanted to ask your show a question? Now you can, I made it so you can have a chat with your content and extract data, quotes, research and even strategize new shows, just by chatting.
  • Simple Repurposing: Transform your audio into ready-to-publish content for all your channels with a single click.
  • Streamlined Workflows: Whether you’re a solo podcaster or managing multiple shows, Bara AI optimizes your process. It handles guest research, intros, transcriptions, and post-production tasks, saving you hours each week.
  • Future Proofed: you know since you get my emails, AI moves fast. Part of this service is it’s maintained for you.  We take care of keeping everything current.

The Technology Behind Bara AI

I’ve put a lot of effort into making our AI agents fast and reliable. This isn’t just another set of tools – it’s a premium, done-for-you service that will reignite your passion for podcasting, help you start a new one or be more effective with your current show.

I built a strong enterprise agreement with a backend provider that gives me the flexibility I need to grow with you, whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned pro. This gives me the ability to run the best AI modes fast, and keep the investment down.

Because AI is expensive to run yourself. 

This approach allows you to focus on creating amazing content while my team and I make sure these AI tools are fast and keep up with the industry I love and cover every single week.

A Personal Invite

When I first started exploring AI for podcasting, I had a lot of questions and wasn’t sure who (if anyone) would need the ideas I had in my head. 

But now with multiple early clients up and running, and an overwhelming ‘YES this is needed in the industry’, I’m more resolved than ever that I’ve created something that will significantly impact the podcasting world.

Here’s my invitation to you: Give Bara AI a try

This link has a deep dive 🔗 with screenshots and more details on all the workflows that are ready for you today – and part of my commitment to this service is as we build new amazing ones, they’re added automatically at no additional cost

Consider one big task that’s been taking up too much of your time and think of how great it would feel to let our AI handle it, let alone the rest. I know you’ll be impressed with the results!

I didn’t want to take up your entire inbox with every detail, so take a peek at the above link for everything, along with transparent pricing and reserve your spot in line for onboarding with me today.

If you have any questions (because let’s face it, AI can be complex), I’d love to chat. For the first time in over a year, I’m opening up my personal calendar for demo sessions, at least until it fills up.

Let’s create some amazing podcasts together!

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