🧩 AI just passed the test

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🧠 When AI Outsmarts Human Verification

You know those little puzzles where you have to identify all the traffic lights or type in a squiggly word to prove you’re human? Well, AI just got a whole lot better at solving them — and better than us.

A team of AI researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a tool that can solve Google’s reCAPTCHA system with 100% accuracy.

Yes, that’s one hundred percent of the time. I don’t even think I have > 40% success rate on them. 

The tool, based on the YOLO (You Only Look Once) image-processing model, highlights the vulnerability of current CAPTCHA systems to advanced AI.

Some stats to put this in to perspective:

  • Google reCAPTCHA holds 99% market share for this tech
  • Out of the top 1 million websites, reCAPTCHA accounts for 87% of CAPTCHA usage
  • 30 million websites use reCAPTCHA

This isn’t just a cool tech feat; it’s a wake-up call. 

If AI can effortlessly bypass systems designed to tell humans and bots apart, what does that mean for online security? More importantly, how does this impact your business?

Think about your website or app. If you rely on CAPTCHA for security, it’s time to revisit that strategy. AI’s break-neck advancement is pushing us to innovate beyond traditional methods. 

How can we stay ahead?

Perhaps it’s time to explore multi-factor authentication or behavioral analytics. Or even better, maybe there’s an opportunity here to create a new kind of security option. 

And if this doesn’t directly apply to you, I’m here to get you thinking bigger. How might this challenge inspire you to think differently about protecting your digital assets?

The bottom line: AI isn’t just advancing—it’s challenging us to rethink the norms

Let’s use this opportunity as a chance to innovate and strengthen our defenses in smarter ways.

– Jim’s learning corner 😎

Read more about the AI tool here 🔗

← keep going →

🎨 Flux 1.1 Pro: This Is Getting Wild

Imagine creating ultra-high-resolution images in a fraction of the time it used to take. Flux 1.1 Pro is making that a reality with their latest release – but not without some drama.

Key Facts:

  • 🚀 Six Times Faster: Generates images 6 times faster than its predecessor.
  • 🖼️ Stunning Quality: Improved image quality with better prompt adherence and diversity.
  • 🌐 Wide Applications: Perfect for marketing, design, entertainment, and more.

I’ve been experimenting with Flux 1.1 Pro, and it’s nothing short of impressive. The speed and quality open up so many possibilities. Need a high-res mockup for a client pitch? Done before you can type up the copy. Want to brainstorm product designs? Let the AI do it’s thing… and man, is it good.

Reminder, I covered FLUX’s launch here 🔗 and show how you can start using it today.

One feature that stands out is the Prompt Upsampling. It takes your initial idea and expands it into a detailed prompt, giving you varied and creative outputs. It’s like having a creative prompt engineer around that never runs out of inspiration.

But here’s something interesting—the community discovered you can input a prompt like IMG_FPS_SUPERSMASHBROS.HEIC and get… well, I’ll let you try it and see what happens! Let’s just say the results are questionable and you can try just about anything else copyrighted and scratch your head along with me.

Pro tip: if you use Perplexity Pro, 🔗 they’ll let you generate images for your threads with Flux!

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🎥 Meta Joins the Text-To-Image Race with Movie Gen

And they’re in the running with the big players after has releasing an AI tool that turns text prompts into short videos!

Key Facts

  • 📝 Text to Video: Generates videos up to 16 seconds long from simple text prompts.
  • 🎯 Targeting Short-Form Content: Perfect for platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels.
  • 🏆 Competitive Edge: Meta steps up against OpenAI and Google in AI video generation.

Imagine typing out a concept and having an AI produce a video for you in seconds. No cameras, no crew, no editing software—just your idea brought to life.

..but wait.

Yep, you’re right. It’s been done.

And what does Meta have going for it the other non-name competitors don’t?

Oh, how about the little fact that Facebook has 2.1 billion active users, WhatsApp another 2 billion, and throw in Instagram’s additional 500 million.

Channel dominance. That’s the move.

Short-form videos are already dominating social media, capturing attention in ways static images often can’t. With this tool, even small businesses can create eye-catching content without hefty budgets.

And they released it with possibly the best user-facing feature they could, the ability to add a photo and generate a full video from it.

The results look GOOD. 

Here’s a great Twitter thread 🔗 with some examples.

But let’s think bigger. How might this technology evolve? Could we see personalized video ads generated on the fly for individual users? What about educational content tailored to different learning styles?

AI continues to lower the barrier to entry for high-quality video creation, and it’s worth considering how you can incorporate this into your strategy. 

Could this be a way to engage your audience more effectively and how might it differentiate you from competitors?

Exciting times are ahead, for those who adapt quickly.  Lucky for you, I’ve got your back. 😎

← almost there! →

💡 Honoring Memories with Technology

In a heartfelt collaboration, Edut 710 and Microsoft have developed an AI tool that helps communities create personalized memorial ceremonies.

This project 🔗 touched me deeply. 

As we celebrate the 1year anniversary of Hamas’ October 7th attacks, this is a profound example of how AI can facilitate healing and remembrance. By allowing users to curate ceremonies with survivor stories, videos, and discussion prompts, technology becomes a bridge connecting personal experiences with collective memory.

It’s a reminder that AI isn’t just about efficiency and productivity—it can also enrich our human connections and help us process complex emotions.

My challenge for you today: Think about your own community or network. How can technology provide meaningful experiences? 

Whether it’s through storytelling, sharing experiences, or fostering discussions, AI has the potential to bring us closer together.

Perhaps there’s a way to honor significant events or milestones within your organization using similar tools. 

Making this immediately applicable to your workday today, how might this position enhance your company culture or social impact initiatives?

It’s inspiring to see tech companies and non-profits working together to create something so meaningful. It makes me optimistic about the positive roles AI can play in our lives.

← let’s change it up →

Jim Carter The Prompt - How LLMs are Shaping Today's Writing

💡 Did you know: I use AI to translate my show in eleven languages? 🔗

← you did it! →

🤔 What’s Your Take?

These developments are only a few of the big topics making headlines in the AI space. They’re also signals of how rapidly our world is changing. 

Reflect on how these advancements might impact your business or even inspire new ideas.

  • How does the AI breakthrough in solving CAPTCHAs make you rethink online security?
  • What possibilities do you see with faster, higher-quality AI image generation?
  • Could AI-generated videos become part of your marketing or storytelling tool-belt?
  • How could AI tech facilitate more meaningful connections in your community?

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